Tuesday, 4 December 2007


So I moved up to the 16s and I'm hating it.

A loose guy raises, I push over with AQ, he calls with Q8s and the board comes 57964. Of course. I then pick up AJ in the BB, the same guy raises in the SB, and I push again. He has AK.

I limp in on the button at level two with KJs. The flop comes jack high, twosuited, it's checked round to me and I bet. Tard raises, I call. I'll re-evaluate turn but I saw this tard bust himself out with a weak hand one tourney back. Turn jack, we get it all in. Yeah, I should have folded, but what's the point of having reads if you just ignore them? There are dozens of hands he can have that I beat, but AJ isn't one of them.

I pay the BB of 150 with Jh3h. Some guy pushes, SB calls and it gets to me for small change, and I call. I flop the flush, and when SB leads, I'm putting him on top pair or a big heart, and I push. Yes, he has a big heart. Two of them.

I have AKs and raise. Called in a couple of places. It comes twosuited, king high. I probably shouldn't get it in, but the loosetard I'm in the hand with doubtless gets it in with a range of hands. He has paired his kicker though, as well as his king.

Another time I have a suited ace, and the flop comes two of my suit. I bet, tard raises, and there is too much money in the pot to fold, so I push with the decent odds on offer. Not decent enough. I am right that I have 12 outs, but today I would need 40 outs to stand a decent chance of actually drawing out on someone.

I play ten tourneys but do not get aces or kings cracked. That's because I do not get aces or kings. I get QQ cracked twice though, just in case I was thinking that somehow that was a good hand. It does hold up once. I get JJ once, and make nothing with it. I get AQ, but it might as well be 72 when it misses the flop five times in a row.

That's poker, I guess. I'm left not sure whether to stick with it, because I don't think I'm playing badly and SNG Wiz is not saying I'm pushing in the wrong spots, or to drop down and regain confidence at a lower level. You have downswings, of course, but yeah, I'd have liked an upswing first.


Anonymous said...

boots sez:

Lordy, lordy, you seem in a fix there Zen.

What does what a tard did one tourney back have to do with future results? I thought you were a maths player.

You seem confused, disheartened.

This thing about "too much money in the pot to fold" is an indicator that you're screwing up, there is never too much money in the pot to fold if fold is what it needs.

I'm thinking your gut speaks too loudly for you to be a maths player.

All I can do is wish you well.

Dr Zen said...

"Too much money in the pot" is a maths thing.

I'm not disheartened. I just don't want to play above my level, and if I am, I need to know.

Anonymous said...

boots sez:

"I just don't want to play above my level, and if I am, I need to know."

Dude, if you could admit to yourself half what you know, you could be a happy guy.

Are you playing above your level?

Do you have a "level"? WTF does it mean?